♦ Useful in Asthishool (bony pain) and Sandhishool (joint pain).
♦ Excellent for using in hair-fall. Relieves Ruk (pain), Bhram (vertigo), Murchha (syncope), and Tama (intoxication).
♦ Also useful in Netragaurav (heaviness in eyes), Dantshool (dental pain), Asthitoda (pricking pain in bones).
♦ Useful in Asthishool (bony pain) and Sandhishool (joint pain). Excellent for using in hair-fall.Relieves Ruk (pain), Bhram (vertigo), Murchha (syncope), and Tama (intoxication).
♦ Also useful in Netragaurav (heaviness in eyes), Dantshool (dental pain), Asthitoda (pricking pain in bones).